Do Freezing Temperatures hurt Lavender?

Brrrr! Here in Grand Junction, we've had some unusually cold weather this week.  Below freezing for days at a time doesn't happen too often.  Fortunately, we've had some snow on the ground before the temp dropped to 9 below so the plants have some insulation keeping the roots as warm as possible. I didn't add more mulch this fall because last year I added some rock and sand as mulch.  But last winter we didn't have the cold.  The older plants should do fine.  But it will be interesting to see how the newer ones fare.  Remember I planted 16 Royal Velvet's in the fall and although they grew nicely and look secure in their setting, I'm anxious to see if they make it through this cold.  The plants at Angie's house should be ok because I added a couple of bags of gravel to the planters in October or November.  The snow cover will melt and provide moisture this month, so I won't need to water them until next month depending upon the snowfall - if any.

My plants are all in the ground and in permanent planters -- not in pots.  Anyone who grows in pots should have had them covered or in the garage last month. 

I was going to call my friend, Ellen, in Longmont today and wish her a HNY but remember that the last time I talked with her she reminded me that she is still waiting for the lavender panne cotta recipe that I promised.  So I'm postponing the call and will make the dessert tomorrow so I can report to her ---- and to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Howdy mom, just back from Estes Park, unpacked & checking email. Saw your blog. Nothing to report on your backyard beauties as it's dark & too cold to go look. Will try & remember to take a look-see tomorrow.
