L.A.W.C. Meeting was Fun and Informative.

Con Litz     Curtis Swift

       It was great to have a full house at the general membership meeting on Saturday morning. Several people were there for the first time, some from as far away as Crawford.  I was very happy to see a new friend, Doris, whom I met at my December Lavender Salon at Yvonne's house in Delta. She was interested in growing lavender so I invited her to a LAWC meeting. She brought her neighbor, Linda,  who is already growing crops other than lavender. It's nice that they'll be able to work together. I recommended a book to Doris,  "Wildwater Walking Club" by Claire Cook. It's a fun story of 3 neighbors (one grows and sells lavender) who started daily walks and talks --as women tend to do.  
          One of the best things about newcomers is their questions and comments. We all learn something new in the discussions.  There is a variety of growers in the group -- from small residential growers (like me) to growers with a couple of thousand lavender plants as well as vineyards and others crops.  So we have a great deal of knowledge to share.

Curt Swift, CSU area extension agent, is matching people who want to grow lavender with people who would like to see their vacant land put to good use. We are so fortunate to have him here because he is so willing to help growers by sharing his vast knowledge and expertise. You can't help but learn something every time he speaks. (Check out  
swiftsgardeningblog.blogspot.com/  )
      We were informed of USDA grants but the guidelines are pretty restrictive.  Request have been made to adjust the guidelines to allow more people access to the funds.  There was a great "show and tell" by Howdy Martsoff who brought his newly created lavender distiller. He explained how he made it and how it works -- very impressive. He is selling them for $2999 and is refining a separation apparatus that he'll price once it's ready for market.
       Of course, we are excited about the upcoming July festival in Palisade and seeking sponsors at all levels and seeking vendors. More info at  http://www.coloradolavender.org/.                                  1/24/11
PaulaBockman, VP    Kathy Kimbraugh, President

You in the red shirt- pay attention!

Paula Milsapps and Judy Millsap-LAWCSecretary
    End of meeting photos                             

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