Also ... made some new eye pillows

Click on the Neck/Eye tab and take a look at the beautiful eye pillows that I made for a customer that owns a yoga studio. She gives them to her clients.  The picture doesn't do them justice ... the material is a burgundy satin poly on one side and green velvet panne on the other ... makes a beautiful combination.     6/25/11 

Gearing up for the 1st Annual Colorado Lavender Festival

The Three Lavendeers
Yesterday Brenn, Barb and I took Lavender Festival window posters to the GJ downtown businesses that are participating in the "Go Purple" Scavenger Hunt. Details are on the LAWC website. Brenn's super organizing skills made the task easy and fun. It took a couple of hours but we worked the morning when it was still cool (thanks Brenn). We then reviewed over lemonade at the Rockslide. People are so excited about the festival !!!  July 15, 16, 17.     See the LAWC website  at 

Lavender Bundles 6 15 11

Banded 71 bundles last week.

 I've been harvesting some of the lavender bushes that have bloomed this month. Still have some in my yard that are not ready yet. There is a big difference between those planted in my yard and those at Angie's yard. At her house they are planted in "red mountain soil" which is sandy -- the water drains away quickly. They also benefit from more direct sun. A couple of factors may contribute to the slower growth in my yard: clay soil although amended with gravel and stuff to help drain water away; some of the plants get mottled sun rather than full, direct, all-day sun; some have been transplanted from one spot to another which probably slows growth (I often change my mind-poor things); a couple plants came from shoots off of the main plant and seem to be smaller than the mother plant. Regardless, they are all producing beautiful, fragrant lavender.  Je suis heureax! (watched Poirot last night). 

Just before the haircuts