Heading to Sin City

Once or twice a year some of the family meets in Las Vegas and spends a few days talking, eating and gambling --- in that order. I don't think any of us are big spenders on the slots machines ... except .. hmm ... maybe Loraine spends more than I think she does. You know how those quiet types are .... come to think of it, she does win a lot.  I'm a nickel machine poker player and last time we were there I won $150 ... first time I ever won more than I spent.

Last Saturday I added compost to the lavender plants at Angie's house. The soil that they are planted in is a sandy soil which is great because it drains nicely. But it's necessary to add nutrients.  Ang & Ron had a pickup bed full of soil and compost which Ron gingerly shoveled into a wheelbarrow for me. (Both he and Ang have painful shoulders - she just had surgery and he willl have it this month - but there they are out digging and shoveling).   Since I keep gravel up around the plants' "necks," it had to be pulled away, then compost dug in around the plant base, and the gravel pushed back.  So the li'l darlings have been fed for the year now and will just need water and sunshine. This will be their 2nd year blooming and I think it will be beautiful.  Last year I tried to keep them trimmed so they wouldn't bloom.  That way the energy goes to building strong roots.  They did bloom some anyway. This year some of the plants look real healthy and big enough to put on a great purple display in June and throughout Sept, maybe even Oct.

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