Lifting My Spirits with Lavender

Yesterday was a dull, overcast day.  It started out with rain and drizzled now and then throughout the day until mid-afternoon when the sun peeked out for a while. On days like this I feel dull and solemn. But now I have a way to improve my mood instantly - yep, lavender.  Since I'm sewing for a sale coming up next week I have lavender buds all over the place.  So I turned to my projects and the aroma lifted my spirits.  It works so well for me -- perhaps you'll enjoy it too.  Create a bowl of potpouri for each room in your house.  It doesn't have to be large, but keep it where you'll see it each time you walk by.  Then get in the habit of stopping for a quick inhale.  You've heard of "stop and smell the roses."  Even better is "stop and smell the lavender."    9/9/10

To make pure lavender potpourri, crush lavender flowers (buds) into a bowl.  Add orris root (1 tbls per cup of lavender) as a preservative.  Add a few drops of essential lavender oil and mix well.  If you prefer, you can add other herbs and flowers like rosemary, rose petals, cinnamon sticks, etc.  Store in a closed container for several weeks to let the fragrance permeate the mixture.      P.S. Find many great recipes on the internet.

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