Where Have I Been? Glad You Ask!

I am chagrined to admit that when someone mentions that they’ve had surgery, it really doesn’t register in my brain to any greater degree than mentioning that they had a bad headache or sprained ankle.

However, when it is little ole moi’ who’s had the surgery .... holy moly batman ... what a different story that is! The whole world revolves around ME and every little beat, burp, barf and bm is of great interest not only to me, but to those miserably happy, blue-gloved youngsters who enter my hospital room every time I nod off to sleep (there’s a monitor in the drip tube that alerts the nurses station anytime a patient drifts toward sleep -- really).

After a year of brief but painful episodes, 2 prior non-productive ER visits, and cold sweating my way through last Sunday’s 10 am service (do you get a point added for going to church but deducted if it’s not the right one?), I headed to the ER.. Came home Friday minus the gall bladder and feel great now. I couldn’t help but think, though, while undergoing CAT, ultrasound, MRI, camera-down-the-throat procedure, several visits each by specialist, surgeon, anesth----, and my regular doc, plus a variety of drips, drugs and dressings ... that I could have just called my sisters-in-law (nurses) and they could have diagnosed me over the phone!!!

This Blog is supposed to be about LAVENDER so I want you to know that my plants are still sending up some beautiful spikes and I still have some dried bundles to be processed. After the great festival in July, many of us Lavendeers had a severe case of burnout. Thus, neglecting my writing for the last month.

But I just know you wanted to hear about my surgery, and far be it from me to disappoint you.  So that's the story.  But wait! There’s more! If you’ll send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope I’ll mail you (free of charge) the complete and unabridged version which, I’m sure, you will find riveting and heart rending ... but with a happy ending!

PS: What pervert came up with the disgusting idea of giving the patient an 8x10 glossy of their diseased gall bladder in their discharge packet!!! YUK!.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rosemary, Glad to hear everything turned out ok with your gallbladder. Haven't seen you since the festival. Hope you have been up to your eyeballs in beautiful lavender things. Hope to see you soon.
